Your Frontend UI Copilot

Type to generate UI components with AI

Generate a sign-up section for a service with a no-credit-card call-to-action and footer links.

Generate a form for session management settings including input fields for the number of parallel sessions, session timeout, and idle session timeout. Include a save button and a section for help topics with links.

Generate a customer feedback interface with tabs for reviews and questions, a notification for review processing times, and sections for unanswered, answered, and ignored questions.

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Generate components from text descriptions

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Generate an enterprise upgrade form with feature benefits listed and input fields for team name, email, and additional information. Include a contact sales button alongside a cancel option.

Generate a login method configuration interface with options for standard, passwordless, and SSO logins.

Generate a cookie consent banner with a brief message about cookies, options to accept all or decline, and a link to the privacy policy.

Create a service plan selection interface with options for different packages, highlighting key features and a call to action for a free trial.

Generate an interface for creating automated workflows to save time, personalize member experiences, and enhance community engagement with a call-to-action to create the first workflow.

Generate a user settings page including options for date format, profile picture visibility, and email notifications with toggle switches for new sign-in alerts, third-party app access, and newsletter subscriptions.

Generate a newsletter sign-up section with a title, multiple checkbox options for different newsletter categories, a text input for email entry, and a subscribe button.

Design a security settings panel for enabling 2-factor authentication, with options for an authentication app and SMS verification.

Generate a vertical navigation sidebar with collapsible sections for tracking, analysis, management, and administration features, including icons and 'New' indicators where applicable.

Create a modal form for adding subscription plans with fields for plan name, description, features, and image upload.

Generate a product tour interface that includes steps for creating and managing object types, finding developer tools, team collaboration, and plan reviews. Add a section for featured extensions with images and brief descriptions. Include a documentation area with links to full integration docs and API access.

Create a vertical navigation menu with sections for administrative and personal options, including company, developers, profile, and a sandbox workspace.

Generate a tiered pricing plan interface with four different subscription levels. Design a service subscription page with feature comparison and call-to-action buttons.

Generate a marketing webpage header featuring a slogan, a row of user profile images with a review count indicator, and a trust badge. Include a search bar with two placeholder texts and a 'Get started' button.

Generate a two-column layout for a subscription payment page. The left column should have subscription details and price, with an option to enter a promo code. The right column should be a payment form for card details, including fields for email, card information, cardholder name, and country.

Generate a pricing plan selection interface with multiple tiers, cancellation, and confirmation options.

Generate a sign-up section for a service with a no-credit-card call-to-action and footer links.

Generate a calendar view for the current month with navigation controls.

Create a project development tracking interface with sections for backlog, in progress, and completed tasks, including task descriptions and status labels.

Generate a confirmation dialog box for removing software with a warning message and options to cancel or confirm the action.

Generate a user settings page including options for date format, profile picture visibility, and email notifications with toggle switches for new sign-in alerts, third-party app access, and newsletter subscriptions.

Generate a newsletter sign-up section with a title, multiple checkbox options for different newsletter categories, a text input for email entry, and a subscribe button.

Design a security settings panel for enabling 2-factor authentication, with options for an authentication app and SMS verification.

Generate a vertical navigation sidebar with collapsible sections for tracking, analysis, management, and administration features, including icons and 'New' indicators where applicable.

Create a modal form for adding subscription plans with fields for plan name, description, features, and image upload.

Generate a product tour interface that includes steps for creating and managing object types, finding developer tools, team collaboration, and plan reviews. Add a section for featured extensions with images and brief descriptions. Include a documentation area with links to full integration docs and API access.

Create a vertical navigation menu with sections for administrative and personal options, including company, developers, profile, and a sandbox workspace.

Generate a tiered pricing plan interface with four different subscription levels. Design a service subscription page with feature comparison and call-to-action buttons.

Generate a marketing webpage header featuring a slogan, a row of user profile images with a review count indicator, and a trust badge. Include a search bar with two placeholder texts and a 'Get started' button.

Generate a two-column layout for a subscription payment page. The left column should have subscription details and price, with an option to enter a promo code. The right column should be a payment form for card details, including fields for email, card information, cardholder name, and country.

Generate a pricing plan selection interface with multiple tiers, cancellation, and confirmation options.

Generate a sign-up section for a service with a no-credit-card call-to-action and footer links.

Generate a calendar view for the current month with navigation controls.

Create a project development tracking interface with sections for backlog, in progress, and completed tasks, including task descriptions and status labels.

Generate a confirmation dialog box for removing software with a warning message and options to cancel or confirm the action.

Generate an online bookstore landing page with a welcome message, a brief description of the store's values, statistics for book collection and customer numbers, and a button to navigate to book collections.

Generate a service subscription selection interface with three plans: Team, Agency, and Enterprise, including price, 'Get Started' buttons, and a features checklist.

Generate a customer feedback interface with tabs for reviews and questions, a notification for review processing times, and sections for unanswered, answered, and ignored questions.

Generate a form for session management settings including input fields for the number of parallel sessions, session timeout, and idle session timeout. Include a save button and a section for help topics with links.

Construct a customer support chat interface with a search bar and categorized FAQ accordion items.

Generate a pricing plan selection interface with multiple tiers, cancellation, and confirmation options.

Generate a sign-up section for a service with a no-credit-card call-to-action and footer links.

Generate a calendar view for the current month with navigation controls.

Create a project development tracking interface with sections for backlog, in progress, and completed tasks, including task descriptions and status labels.

Generate a confirmation dialog box for removing software with a warning message and options to cancel or confirm the action.

Generate an online bookstore landing page with a welcome message, a brief description of the store's values, statistics for book collection and customer numbers, and a button to navigate to book collections.

Generate a service subscription selection interface with three plans: Team, Agency, and Enterprise, including price, 'Get Started' buttons, and a features checklist.

Generate a customer feedback interface with tabs for reviews and questions, a notification for review processing times, and sections for unanswered, answered, and ignored questions.

Generate a form for session management settings including input fields for the number of parallel sessions, session timeout, and idle session timeout. Include a save button and a section for help topics with links.

Construct a customer support chat interface with a search bar and categorized FAQ accordion items.

Generate a grid layout showcasing popular software integrations. Each grid item should contain the software logo, name, a brief description, and a call-to-action for a discount offer.

Generate a dashboard layout with a greeting section, project progress cards, a task list for the day, a statistics area, and a calendar view. Include a sidebar for navigation.

Generate a personal portfolio card with social links and an about section.

Generate a landing page form designed to collect information for creating a new landing page. It should include fields for contact information, page details, design preferences, content elements, target audience, and a CAPTCHA verification.

Create a user onboarding dashboard with three interactive list items: 'Collect feedback', 'Import & sync data', and 'Capture customer ideas', each with distinct icons and a forward navigation arrow.

Create a banner for a payments tool service, including a headline, subtext, and two buttons for user action—one to get started and another to speak to sales.

Generate a password reset form with fields for entering and confirming a new password, along with a submission button.

Generate a billing invoice interface that includes the company's branding, client information, a detailed list of services provided with quantities and rates, subtotal, tax calculation, and a total amount due. Additionally, include payment methods and contact information.

Generate a mobile chat application interface with user profiles, message timestamps, chat bubbles, and an input area for typing messages.

Generate a simple sign-up form with a full name field and a password field. Design a basic account creation screen with a full name input and a password input. Create a user registration interface with a full name field and a password field.

Generate an FAQ section for a website with a header, an introductory text, and a list of common questions with corresponding answers.

Generate a file import interface with a drop zone for files and instructions for importing from Apple Notes, including links to download exporters and a help option.

Generate a member and group management panel with an invitation link, member list, and group categorization options.

Generate an integration options interface for email and social platforms, including action buttons for each service.

Generate a minimalistic navigation bar with logo, menu items, and a login button.

Bring your own theme or create one

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Text to Code

Generate components from text descriptions.

Describe in English what you want the UI component to look like and do, PureCode AI will generate and render the code you can then directly edit.



Create or Upload

Generate components that match your theme by providing config.js files or creating from scratch.

Pick & Edit

Fast and Easy Updates

Update generations with speed and efficiency by selecting part of the rendered component and entering the new text description.


VS Code Extensions

Do it all in your favorite code editor.

Generate, update and preview the component along with code. All with-in VS code.

Thousands of pre-generated components in multiple frameworks
Describe in English what you want the UI component to look like and do, PureCode AI will generate and render the code you can then directly edit.
Don't just take our word for it
“Using PureCode AI to instantly generate production ready components cuts out hours of mundane development work on projects.”
Rob Tucker
Lead MERN Developer
“Uploading our project theme and instantly generating components has been a game changer for the team. A must have for React.js developers.”
Julia DeBoer
Front End Engineer
“I'm delighted with! The VS Code extension is incredibly useful for developers looking to save time writing React.JS”
Suman Chopra
Senior Full Stack Developer
“This tool saves me considerable time and effort on the front end. After prompting, it creates exactly what I need, whether it's with Tailwind CSS, MaterialUI, or just plain CSS”
Olivia Marcello
React.js Developer
“Incredibly helpful dev tool. I especially like the quick UI and customized functions, as well as the simple preview feature.”
Evander Brown
Front End Engineer
“ This tool paid for itself many times over by saving billable hours on my freelancing jobs.”
Pavel Kovalenko
Freelance Full Stack Developer









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